Bracketron’s Twist 360 is a rugged case for the Apple iPad 1st gen and I have been using it’s for about a week now. This happens to be the best cover for my preference and use case. I for some reason hate leather covers or others that cover the entire gadget like a folder. Back grip covers work the best for me and the Twist360 delivers a good blend. And then you got to admit, this thing has killer looks. People around me have seen the iPad since a year, but they sure take a second look at this thing. I would let the images speak for themselves on this part.

The Twist 360 case has rubber grips on the back. Expect them to pick some dirt as this four corners act as the cushion. A good wipe once in a while works for me. But the real value of this cover comes with the Twist 360 handle on the back. This attachment has multiple uses and can let you place the iPad as a stand on any surface (if required in hang it on the wall). I prefer using it outdoor without the attachment. The Bracketron’s back cover is thick and protective, which also makes the whole packaga a little heavy, but that is still comparable to quite a few other covers we have seen.

The Twist 360 is priced at $59.95 and we await an updated version for the iPad 2.